Hey Party People,
Have you ever seen yourself through someone else’s eyes? You know, the way your best friend see’s you, how your other half lights up when they talk about you, or how your boss sings your praises.
It’s because they see so much more than you let yourself see. They don’t see all the perceived flaws you think you have. They don’t criticize you and tell you you’re not doing enough (and if they are, well that’s a different conversation and I’ll go out on a limb and tell you, they’re NOT YOUR PEOPLE – get new ones).
So, When will you ever be enough?
When you make ‘x’ amount of money. Nope, that’s false.
When you find the love of your life. Wrong again.
When that promotion comes through. #nope.
When you lose 20 pounds. Again, not true!
While some of these things may contribute to your happiness, they are not the foundations of your happiness. YOU. You are the foundation of your own world, and how you see yourself matters. And how you love on yourself matters.
So today I want you to compliment the shit out of yourself. And I want you to receive any and all the praise that comes your way.
Notice how you feel when others give you a compliment or sing your praises. Do you immediately shy away and say, “oh stop it.” Or completely deny it with a straight up, “no no no.” A great example is when someone compliments your hair or your outfit – our immediate reaction is to say, “omg I love your dress too,” or, “no way you look way better.” instead of receiving the compliment someone is trying to give you. Say thank -you damn it and RECEIVE that praise!
We don’t allow ourselves to see ourselves from someone else’s eyes – in that glorious, untainted, rose-coloured glasses kind of view. And while I want you to see the beautiful gifts you possess on your own, sometimes you may need that outside glimpse to believe…you are freaking magical.
So today is your reminder that YOU. ARE. MAGICAL. And I give you full permission to
LOVE ON YOURSELF TODAY (and everyday, but today especially).
With love & Gratitude,
P.S. December is here and while many of us will render the year "over" - it ain't over! so if you want to do something for your future self, consider joining the Journey Seeker community. We're a rad bunch of gals who just want to grow together while laughing together. Check us out